Welcome to Ashford

Physiotherapy Clinic

Patient centered, Compassionate care

Ashford TherapyHub

At Ashford Therapyhub, we are dedicated to provide personalized care tailored to meet your unique needs. We engage you in every step of your physiotherapy journey, emphasizing transparency and collaboration.Our Approach- Honest and Empathetic care.Our holistic approach focuses on listening to you and plan honest and evidence based treatment plan on promoting tissue healing, reducing pain and inflammation, and restoring your natural range of motion. Whether you are recovering from surgery, managing an injury, or dealing with chronic pain, we prioritize identifying the underlying cause to prevent future issues.

  • Regain mobility and flexibility.
  • Achieve pain relief and improved function.
  • Enhance overall well-being and quality of life.

Insurance and Collaboration: We collaborate with all major insurance companies and maintain strong connections with local GPs and consultants to ensure comprehensive care.

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Services Tailored to Your Needs

1. Geriatric / Thriving Senior

Stay vibrant and engaged with our tailored physiotherapy services designed to support your active lifestyle, ensuring you can enjoy life's moments without pain or stiffness.

2. Sports Rehab / Elite
Sport Stars

Stay in the game with specialized treatment plans aimed at optimizing recovery, improving performance, and preventing future injuries. Our team is dedicated to helping you reach your athletic potential.

3. Ergonomics and Pain Management / Resilient Workers

Maintain a pain-free and productive lifestyle with our personalized physiotherapy services, designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule and support your overall well-being.

4. Pre- and Post-Operation Rehabilitation

Optimize your recovery with our specialized rehabilitation programs, tailored to your specific needs & procedures. We are committed to helping you regain strength, mobility, & function, ensuring path to wellness

Our Insurance Partners

Our Best Services

Dry Needling

Trigger point dry needling is an effective and minimally invasive treatment method designed to alleviate muscle pain and improve function. This innovative procedure involves the precise insertion of fine needles into myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), which are hyperirritable spots within taut bands of skeletal muscles.

Manual Therapy

At Ashford Therapyhub, we offer specialized manual therapy techniques tailored to address your unique musculoskeletal needs. Our skilled physiotherapists employ hands-on approaches to diagnose, treat, and manage a variety of conditions affecting muscles, joints, and soft tissues.Experience personalized care and targeted relief.

Myofascial Release

Experience the benefits of myofascial release therapy, designed to address restrictions within the fascial system & promote tissue flexibility and mobility. Through gentle, sustained pressure & stretching techniques, our therapists help release adhesions and improve overall tissue health, fostering greater comfort & range of motion.